- There are many reasons to learn French: family, culture, travel, but also work and community activities.
- French is the 3rd most used language in business and represents 20% of commercial exchanges and nearly 17% of global income.
- There are 300 million French speakers in the world, spread over 5 continents.
- French is also the 4th most used language on the Internet.
In personal & social life
There are so many reasons to learn French! Some people do it because of their love for literature, art or history of French-speaking countries. Others do it out of sheer pleasure, seeking a motivating challenge in discovering the language of Molière. Others learn French for family reasons: relationships with distant relatives, bi-national marriages, a new property in a French-speaking country … These profiles are all represented among our students, here at Fransk kulturhus, and we take great pleasure in supporting them in their learning journey!
For business & professional life
Among our students, many of them are taking French courses for professional reasons. Regularly, sometimes daily, for long or short-term projects, in a team or on their own, they need French at work. They need it in their work with colleagues, or in their relations with clients or other partners. Whether you are in Norway or anywhere else, it is impossible to escape the French language!
French as a competitive advantage
According to Observatoire de la francophonie, French is the third most used language in business globally. 20% of commercial exchanges and nearly 17% of world income are generated in French. Molière’s language is used in commercial exchanges, media, digital tools, science, international meetings and more generally in the cultural and humanitarian world. Additionally, about 30 national governments use French to communicate, both in internal exchanges and international relations.
From a more informal point of view, French is also the fourth most used language on the Internet and allows millions of its users to browse websites, blogs, forums and, naturally, social media.
According to the Observatoire de la francophonie’s latest statistics, the world counts 300 million French speakers spread over all continents.
Joining these French speakers as a professional allows you to:
- Access new markets or position yourself more strongly as a professional in the audiovisual industry, cultural services, publishing sector …
- Take full advantage of new opportunities and economic activities.
- Be more visible, expand your network and participate in a broader range of consultation and discussion between companies or professionals, or between private individuals and institutions.
- Communicate better on the Internet: through social media, blogs, websites, forums, etc.
These are all advantages that our own students are the first to notice, as their experiences show:
Would you like to know more or find the best ways to learn French with Fransk kulturhus ? Get in touch with us thanks to the following contact form: