- Cultural, training and certification centre and French-language library

Ridley Scott’s Napoleon: Fransk kulturhus at the pedagogical front row!

The release of the film Napoleon by Ridley Scott is an international event that Fransk kulturhus has been following for months!

A “Napoleon-special” as part of our History course

As part of our popular History-FLE course serie, between August and October 2023, we have proposed a whole course dedicated to Napoleon, his work and his representations within the contemporary world. During 8 sessions, the students reviewed and developped their French knowledge using a wide variety of sources as well as oral and written activities on the theme of Napoleon. Reports, articles, archives and drawings served as a complete program combining language learning and discovery of the Napoleonic era. The students discussed and learned about:

  • Napoleon and pop culture
  • Napoleon and his physique
  • Napoleon and health
  • Napoleon and science
  • Napoleon and his personality
  • Napoleon in architecture
  • Napoleon as a war leader
  • Napoleon in current political life

Our objective: to prepare the students before the release of the film, so that they can see it with enthusiasm (and with a necessary critical mind!). The students and their teacher, Gilles, even decided to go see the film together!

A webinar specially for French teachers in Norway

As part of the webinar for French teachers in Norway organised by the French Institute of Norway, Fransklærerforening, Fremmedspråkssenteret and Fransk kulturhus, Gilles offers as well a course to help teachers use the film Napoleon with their French class. The aim of this webinar is to offer a practical guide, using free materials, easily reusable and above all adapted to the Norwegian school level.

A highly anticipated historical film

If the reviews from the French press are quite mixed, those from the Norwegian and international press seem a little more positive. Regardless, the release of this film is an event that should attract many spectators. And you, do you plan to see it?

More Napoleon in our French library!

In addition, you will find many books dedicated to Napoleon or to the Napoleonic era within the collections of our French-speaking library!

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Winter break February 2025

Fransk kulturhus will be closed to the public in week 8, from 17 to 23 February 2025 (Winter holidays in Oslo). We answer emails throughout


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